HOT Cruise
Tom Iwanicki and Geir Johnsen, on sabbatical from NTNU in Norway, had a great time aboard the R/V Kilo Moana out to station ALOHA. They...
SICB 2019
Sicb was a great meeting in Tampa this year! With over 1,800 abstracts and presenters, there was an endless supply of interesting science...
Hopping Good Time
Summer REU student Briann Pitts successfully presents her findings on new cave-adapted planthopper species and the genetic divergence of...
Tenure Track Ahoy!
Our fearless leader officially got Tenure! We don't have to move to New Zealand after all! Looking forward to all the lovely long-term...
The First Town
Stomatopod Larval studiers Sitara and Marisa head off to Delaware with Dr. Porter to learn new techniques from the Cohen Lab! May they...
Graduation Time
Sad to see our undergraduates leaving our lab, but so happy they are on to bigger and better things! Best of luck to our copepod ladies -...
Canada Strong
PhD student Tom Iwanicki tackles grant writing and comes out a victor! Great job being awarded the Natural Sciences and Engineering...
Tester's 2018
The lab has successfully presented their research in a great student symposium headed by one of our own - Tom Iwanicki! Great job to all...
Making Friends
Megan makes a very special friend at STEM Outreach event Expanding Your Horizons. A chameleon is a girls new best friend!
New Species on the Loose
With increasing trips to the field, a new (to Hawaii) genus of stomatopod has been found - it's possible these little guys are invasive...